报告题目: Statistical issues and challenges in biomedical studies
时间: 12月23号下午3点
地点: 伊泰利大厦2号楼301
报告人: Zhezhen Jin, Professor
Abstract: In this talk, I will present statistical issues and challenges that I have encountered in my biomedical collaborative studies of item selection in disease screening, comparison and identification of biomarkers that are more informative to disease diagnosis, and estimation of weights on relatively importance of exposure variables on health outcome. After a discussion on the issues and challenges with real examples, I will review available statistical methods and present our newly developed methods.
Dr. Jin is professor in the Department of Biostatistics atColumbiaUniversity. His research interests include survival analysis, resampling methods, longitudinal data analysis, and nonparametric and semiparametric models. Dr. Jin has collaborated on research in the areas of cardiology, neurology, cancer and epidemiology. He serves as associate editor for Lifetime Data Analysis, Contemporary Clinical Trials, Communications for Statistical Applications and Methods, and is on the editorial board for Kidney International, journal of the International Society for Nephrology. Dr. Jin has published over 140 peer-reviewed research papers in statistical and medical journals.